Dear All Saints and St Marys
The middle of February brings us into a betwixt and between time. The days are still cold, yet they are also noticeably longer and lighter. We are moving away from winter, but spring is not quite here. There are glimpses of what is to come, and yet it feels as if we are still in the thick of it.Easter, the ever-moveable Calendar feast comes as late as possible in 2025, and so that gives a rare opportunity of a three-week gap before Lent even begins. It feels a bit like the waiting room, before the waiting room. Or the departure area, that isn't quite yet the actual departure area. What possible purpose could this extra waiting space bring?
I want to rush through not consider its importance or notice its possible usefulness. Yet, perhaps it is a time to slow the steps down and not race through the year wishing it away - getting to of 2025 and looking back saying "Where did the year go?" These three weeks before Lent can be a blessing, a time of not requiring more from me than the attention to just the space it brings. So it is not a drag, or a bind to reach March - but the move from the speed of a sprint, into a steady jog, so that we can walk more easily into the year, and on the way hear more clearly God's call on our lives.This Sunday 16th February - the services are
10.00am - Sung Holy Communion - St Marys10.30am - Holy Communion with Hymns - All Saints
The week ahead
Monday 17th No Tiny Tots - Half term!
Tuesday 18th No Music for Toddlers – as its half term!
Wednesday 19th 9:00am - Celtic Morning Prayer - All Saints
Thursday 20th 10:00am - Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
Saturday 22nd 12.00 - 2:00pm - Saturday Lunches - St Mary’s
Sunday 23rd
8.00am - Holy Communion - All Saints
10:00am - Sung Holy Communion - St Marys
10.30am - Café Church - All Saints
Blessings and peace to you all.
Revd Lizzie