Handing Over
10.30am - Holy Communion with Junior Church and Band - All Saints
6.30pm - Choral Candlemas Evensong - St Marys.
Dear All Saints and St Marys
This Sunday we begin our Candlemas celebrations. A pivot point between Christmas and the beginnings of Lent. In the gospel story from Luke, we hear how Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the Temple to be "presented". A ritual of thanksgiving for a new child and also what was the re-entry into society for a mother. It is a delicate, vulnerable and yet heart warming pilgrimage that they make. At one point Mary hands over the baby Jesus to Simeon, an ancient priest who had been waiting for that moment all of his life - to hold the Saviour of the World in his arms. We all have to delicately hand over precious people at times in our lives. With hearts in our mouth that we hope that the person receiving them will not drop them (always my fear with babies!) and to entrust to others the care of our most dear and loved ones. It happens at baptisms, weddings and funerals. It happens at the school gate, the work door and thresholds to nursing homes. We do so always in trust - that like Jesus, that they will be received, blessed, adored and recognised for who they are. It is a source of trust that needs a lighted path, and so as we begin our Candlemas festivities come to church to have your own candles blessed, to hear the good news and to trust that the God holds us tightly in love and care.This Sundays Services - 2nd February 2025
10am - Creative Church - St Marys - (Theme is Scripture)10.30am - Holy Communion with Junior Church and Band - All Saints
6.30pm - Choral Candlemas Evensong - St Marys.
The week ahead
Mon 3rd Feb 10.30am Tiny Tots - All Saints
Tues 4th Feb 10:30am Music for Toddlers - St Marys
Weds 5th Feb 9:00am Celtic Morning Prayer - All Saints
Thurs 6th Feb 10:00am Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
Sat 8th Feb 12noon – 2:00pm -Saturday Lunches - St. Mary’s
Sun 9th Feb
8:00am Holy Communion - All Saints
10:00am Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
10:30am Muddy Church - All Saints
7:15pm Generations - All Saints Link
With my prayers and blessings to you all.
Revd Lizzie