Greetings from Revd Lizzie

Church_news From_the_Vicar Advent
A Brand New Year - Happy Advent

Dear All Saints and St Marys

With trepid anticipation I have been waiting for something to arrive in the post for the last few weeks, and when it finally did a few days ago, I was as excited as a small child who waits for Christmas. The object of my eager longing - a new diary. Each year the church starts again at Advent. Not January, or New Year, but Advent. This is when the new diaries, new lectionaries, new readings all start over. For me the arrival of a new diary is a chance to start again, with good intentions, that my new diary will not end up as haphazard, dilapidated, worn and scribbled on as last years. I am just as hopeful this year as I look at my well kept new diary, with entries in December looking neat and ordered.

As we begin Advent, we are asked to begin again. To start afresh with God. To come with all the hopes, dreams, worries and fears and lay them out to the Almighty. A spiritual cleaning is asked of us. I find that not only a good thing to do, but an essential thing for my soul. It helps me get things in order, builds a healthy spiritual perspective and confronts me with my need to listen more attentively to God, in worship, in Advent Groups, in fellowship at special services. Starting Advent well, like any new year gives sustenance for all that lies ahead.

I hope and pray that as we start Advent together, you are as expectant and excited as I am.

Our worship this weekend helps us to enter into that space of listening to God afresh - everyone is welcome to join us at all or any of them.

Worship this weekend: Sunday 1st December 

10am - St Marys - Toy Service - Guides and Brownies
10.30 - All Saints - Advent Holy Communion with Band and Junior Church
6.30pm - Advent Candlelit Service

The week ahead

Monday 2nd Dec    10.30am Tiny Tots - All Saints
Tuesday 3rd Dec 10:30am M4T - St. Marys
Weds 4th Dec 9:00am Celtic Morning Prayer  - All Saints
Thursday 5th Dec    10:00am Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
Friday 6th Dec. 11.00am Living After Loss - St Marys
Saturday 7th Dec 10.00am to 12noon Coffee Morning - All Saints
Saturday 7th Dec 11.00am to 2:00pm St Mary’s Christmas Fair

Sunday 8th December

8:00am Holy Communion - All Saints
10:00am Sung Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
10:30am Service of the Word and Nativity Rehearsal - All Saints
7:15pm Generations - All Saints

God of hope, who brought love into this world, be the love that dwells between us. God of hope, who brought peace into this world, be the peace that dwells between us. God of hope, who brought joy into this world, be the joy that dwells between us. God of hope, the rock we stand upon, be the centre, the focus of our lives always, and particularly this Advent time Amen


Revd Lizzie