Greetings from Revd Lizzie

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The Servant King

Dear All Saints and St Marys

The reading from the gospel of Mark that occurs this week in the lectionary is a one that was hard to grasp for the first followers of Jesus and is still a challenge today. Jesus tells his motley crew, after they fight among themselves (again!) that the call to greatness, is one that is first and foremost a call to service. James and John the "Sons of Thunder" had asked that they might have a place at the "top" table, ahead of others. That's what caused the angry scuffle. Jesus uses it as a teaching opportunity for all those that gathered around. It is still today a "teachable moment”.

Jesus is often guiding people to the greater kingdom vision of a place of service over and above that of hierarchical power and privilege. Jesus' choses to spend his last evening with his friends showing them, in the washing of feet. The master is the one who kneels and washes feet, rather than hold court at table. The idea that the true power of God, that the kingdom is first and foremost carried out in the service, practical and prayerful, of those around us. How do we serve others?

Whilst away this week on conference, one of our speakers - ELizabeth Oldfield, spoke passionately about something that resonated with me. Her core message was one about building relationships, and how this is at the centre of how we relate to people, build people up and understand our differences more keenly. A phrase that stood out for me was "Connect before you Correct!". Her focus on deep listening to others, to listening to ourselves and our preferences, whilst simultaneously curiously seeking out to discover why other people might view the world differently was refreshing and full of wisdom. Jesus' call to servant ministry, turning the topsy turvy world of power and privilege on its head requires us to connect with others by accepting a servant centred service. Who might we reach out too and listen too today? Who might we cross the road or church aisle to listen too. Who might we not know? Who do we see? Who might we not see? It was a teachable moment for me. As is still the words of Jesus today

"but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant"

Worship Services this Sunday 20th October

10am - Baptism with Communion at St Marys
10.30am - Holy Communion with Hymns - All Saints

The week ahead

Monday 21st 10.30am - Tiny Tots - All Saints
Tuesday 22nd 10:30am – M4T - St Marys
Weds 23rd 9:00am - Celtic Morning Prayer – All Saints
Thursday 24th 10:00am – Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
Saturday 26th 12.00 – 2:00pm - Saturday Lunches - St Mary’s
7.00pm – All Saints Quiz - £6 a ticket.

Sunday 27th 

8.00am - Holy Communion – All Saints
10:00am Sung Holy Communion – St Marys
10.30am Cafe Church – All Saints

God of Glory, the end of our searching, help us to lay aside all that prevents us from seeking your kingdom, and to give all that we have, to gain the pearl beyond price, through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

Revd Lizzie