Greetings from Revd Kester

Dear Friends in Christ,

Reflecting on a British summer that seems to have consisted of more rain than sunshine, it’s easy to grumble about the ‘soft refreshing rain’ as the hymn puts it.

Yet without it we wouldn’t have the richness of the creation we experience in this country. We can take for granted the variety and wonder of nature, the profound and beautiful scope of creation. Even more so, it’s so easy to forget that whilst we can buy all manner of things from the local shops, many today cannot do so. We naturally (and rightly) think of those in countries where crops fail and extreme weather decimate harvests, there are other ways that people are denied the food that they need. Those places where there is violence and war destroy the wonders of creation and restrict access to food. Even in this country, many live on budgets that are stretched to the max, with the use of Food Banks proliferating.

But the text from Joel reminds us that God is with us, that even in the hardest times he does not desert us. He supplies us with all that is most necessary for our lives. Creation itself is a testament to God’s glory: a visual, sensual outpouring of his love, and a love that sustains us spiritually and physically.

This Sunday 17th after Trinity

8.00am Holy Communion: All Saints
10:00am Harvest Holy Communion with Guides: St Marys
10.30am Café Church: All Saints

The week ahead

Monday 23rd 10.30am Tiny Tots - All Saints
Tuesday 24th 10.00am Tots 4 Music - St.Mary's
Wednesday 25th 9:00am Celtic Morning Prayer - All Saints
Thursday 26th 10:00am Holy Communion - St. Mary
Saturday 28th 12.00 noon 2:00pm Saturday Lunches - St Mary’s

Sunday 29th 

 8.00am BCP Communion - All Saints
10.00am Joint Benefice Sung Holy Communion - St. Marys with this year’s charity “Through the Roof”.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore. Amen

BlessingsRevd Kester de Oliveira