Greetings from Mark Simms (Licensed Lay Minister)

But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. (James 1:22 NRSV)

Dear All Saints and St Mary's

This Sunday’s readings have a common theme: What we do matters, but why we do it matters more.

The first reading is from Moses final great speech to the people before they cross the Jordan and enter the Promised land. In Deuteronomy 4.1–2,6–9, Moses exhorts the people to obey all the laws that God has given them. However, this passage follows on from Moses reminding the people of all that God had done for them, bringing them out of slavery in Egypt and to the borders of the land he had promised to Abraham. Knowing their history, should help them trust in God. Out of that trust should come an understanding of what God wants and obedience to his laws.

The New Testament reading, James 1.17–end, contains James’ call to be doers of the word. However, this does not mean that we need not be hearers as well. In fact, James tells his readers not to be merely hearers, but doers as well. Hearing and doing should go hand in hand. One complements the other. Each is incomplete by itself. Again, it is knowing God and his will for us that leads towards the generosity and meekness that James commends.

The gospel reading, Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23, takes up a similar theme. The Pharisees and scribes challenge Jesus because his disciples were eating without washing their hands. Although washing your hands before eating is sensible for hygiene reasons, even today it is not always possible. Rigid adherence to such rules discriminated against the poor, who might need to eat on the job or out in the fields. Jesus criticises the scribes and Pharisees, because they are not interested in the wellbeing of the people. Instead, they are more focussed on their own importance. Jesus reminds his audience that they need to think about what their lives show about their hearts more than what is going into their stomachs. The things people do are a sign of what is going on inside.

We will have another chance to reflect on this during our 10:30 am Holy Communion service at All Saints on Sunday. At St Mary’s there is Creative church at 10.00 am. Choral Evensong at 6:30 pm will start our celebrations of the patronal festival of the Blessed Virgin Mary. (Note that different readings will be used at Evensong.) 

This gives the following services for Sunday 1st September:

10:00 am St Mary’s Creative Church
10:30 am All Saints Holy Communion with Junior Church
6:30 pm St Mary’s Choral Evensong for the Blessed Virgin Mary

We have our usual midweek services this week with Celtic Morning Prayer at All Saints on Wednesday at 9:00 am and Holy Communion at St Mary’s on Thursday at 10:00 am. In addition, there is a memorial service for Joe Sevens on Thursday at 2:30 pm at St Mary’s. Next Sunday, we have our usual second Sunday pattern with said Holy Communion at All Saints at 8:00 am, Holy Communion at St Mary’s at 10:00 am and Messy/Muddy Church at All Saints at 10:30. This gives the following services for the coming week:

Wednesday 4th September 9:00 am All Saints Celtic Morning Prayer
Thursday 5th September 10:00 am St Mary’s Holy Communion
Thursday 5th September 2:30 pm St Mary’s Memorial for Joe Sevens

Sunday 8th September

8:00 am All Saints Holy Communion (said)
10:00 am St Mary’s Holy Communion
10:30 am All Saints Messy/Muddy Church

Reflecting on Jesus’ message that it is what comes from our hearts that can defile or sanctify, let us pray for pure hearts and steadfast wills in the words of the collect for this Sunday:

Almighty God,
whose only Son has opened for us
a new and living way into your presence:
give us pure hearts and steadfast wills
to worship you in spirit and in truth.
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Yours in Christ

Mark Simms

Licensed Lay Minister
Benefice of All Saints and St Mary, Fishponds