Greetings from Revd Kester

Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ

This has certainly been a week of contrasts. We’ve experienced the horror of the protests that caused so much violence and distress, but these were countered by an outpouring of calm protest that defused them and countered their message of hate. Alongside this has been the Olympics, which has been so much more than a glossy catalogue of sport. We’ve seen the joy and real humanity of athletes such as Simone Biles, and the mascot of the whole thing ending up being Snoop Dogg.

Against this backdrop of humanity in all its glory and its failings, our Gospel text this week uses the basic physical need of food and links it with the basic human need for spiritual food. For the whole person, sustenance on all levels is needed. Jesus links himself to a basic, unglamorous foodstuff, and he becomes that basic food for the spiritual life of each person who accepts him. To be the whole person we cannot starve either the physical or the spiritual that make us who we are.

Services this Sunday. 11 August 11th Sunday after Trinity

8:00am – Holy Communion – All Saints

10:00am – Holy Communion – St. Mary’s

10:30am – Messy Muddy Church – All Saints

The Week Ahead

Weds 14th Aug 9:00am - Celtic Morning Prayer – All Saints

Thursday 15th Aug 10:00am – Holy Communion - St. Mary’s

Friday 16th Aug 11:00am – Living After Loss – St. Mary’s

Saturday 17th Aug 12.00 – 2:00pm - Saturday Lunches - St Mary’s

Next Sunday 18th August

Sunday 18th Aug 10:00am – Sung Service of the Word – St. Mary’s

10:30am – Holy Communion – All Saints

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore. Amen


Revd Kester de Oliveira