Greetings from Revd Lizzie

Joining Together

Dear All Saints and St Marys

"In Him the whole structure is held together". The words that we have from the passage in Ephesians this week speaks of Christ who binds people and brings them together. I have a strong image in my head of an adult holding the hands of two others, one either side. They are walking away from the viewer, so that only their backs can be seen as they set off into the distance. It could be the same image on a beach, or in a wood or down a busy high street. The adult in the centre holds the two together. They form the bridge. Through them the whole structure is held together.

Similarly in the early church, the letters of the apostles speak plenteously about bringing together the Jews and the Gentiles. Accepting that the world has changed in the life of Jesus, that means that division of families, tribes and nations is now secondary to the way in which all people are called to God and asked to live. So that we are no longer aliens - but citizens with the saints.

At St Marys we will have the honour of welcoming Maximus to the family of the church through his baptism. At All Saints there will be a celebration of Holy Communion. Both services help to remind us of ways in which we are united together. Held together. I look forward to being with you in worship.

This Weekend's Services - Sunday 21st July

10 am St Marys Church - Baptism with Hymns
10.30 am All Saints - Holy Communion with Hymns

The week ahead

Weds 24th 14.00 - Funeral of Mary Biddlecombe - St Marys
Thursday 25th 10:00am – Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
Saturday 27th 12.00 – 2:00pm - Saturday Lunches - St Mary’s

Sunday 28th 

8.00am - Holy Communion – All Saints
10:00am - Sung Holy Communion – St Marys
10.30am - Cafe Church – All Saints

Please pray for us all this coming week as we begin Holiday Bible Club 2024. It has been a year of work and planning and we are so looking forward to the children being with us and learning together about Gideon, Esther and Timothy.

Gracious God
May we know the love that you extend to the world, may our footsteps be in rhythm with yours, may you guide us into your ways and may we humbly be your servants to all whom we meet.

Revd Lizzie

Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches, Fishponds
Interim Co Area Dean Bristol City Deanery