Greetings from Revd Lizzie

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

Dear All Saints and St Marys

This weekend is often called Petertide - a name which is given to a season in the church when we celebrate the Feast of St Peter and St Paul. It is also one time in the churches season when we come together to celebrate with all those who have been called to be ordained in the church. As a benefice we will have to wait a little bit longer to be part of those particular celebrations together with our own curate Revd Kester. We continue to keep him very much in our prayers as he recovers his health.

Our readings on Sunday remind us that we are all called to be worshippers on earth and in heaven and join with the words we hear in the Issiah reading, that cry "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts". These words form part of our Eucharistic prayers each week, a great thanksgiving that invites us all to praise God. Holy is a brilliant word, it combines both awe and wonder, with a sense of humility before God our Creator. It is a 4 letter word that speaks of being called to something precious, special and sacred. "Holy" is to be fully whole as people, an invitation to be truly ourselves as we find we are wrapped up in God's great big story and life.

This weekend we gather as God's holy people, to worship the Almighty and be drawn into God's presence which embraces both Heaven and Earth. We will do this in our worship together as churches at the 10.30am Benefice service at All Saints.
As a blessing we welcome the preaching ministry of Revd Robert Cotton, and it will be a delight on this ordination anniversary for many of us, that we will celebrate that same Eucharistic Prayer. Join us for our worship, as we join with God in Heaven and on Earth.

Our Services this weekend - Sunday 30th June 2024

8am - BCP Holy Communion - All Saints
10.30am - Sung Holy Communion Benefice Service - All Saints
6.30pm - Said Evening Prayer - St Marys

The week ahead

Tuesday 2nd July 10:30am – M4T
Weds 3rd July 9:00am - Celtic Morning Prayer – All Saints
Thursday 4th July 10:00am – Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
Friday 5th July 11:00am – Living After Loss – St. Mary’s
Saturday 6th July 10:00am - Coffee Morning and Book Sale with Bristol Repair Café – All Saints
11.00 – 2:00pm – Summer Fair - St Mary’s

Next Sunday

Sunday 7th July 10:00am – Creative Church – St Marys
10:30am – Holy Communion and Junior Church – All Saints
6:30pm – Evensong – St. Mary

Holy, Holy Holy Lord
God of power and might
Heaven and Earth are full of your glory
Hosanna in the Highest. Amen

Revd Lizzie
Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches, Fishponds
Interim Co Area Dean Bristol City Deanery