Greetings from Revd Lizzie

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

"In the shade of the branches shall nest winged creatures of every kind" - Ezekiel 17.23

Dear All Saints and St Marys

It is rare to find a piece of scripture from the fiery prophet Ezekiel that feels comforting. Yet this week in the scriptures of Ezekial and later in Marks gospel we have images of two different types of places that give shelter. The Cedar Tree in the Old Testament gives a majestic picture of a strong and sturdy place where creatures can make a home. In Marks picture there is a scrappy and straggly shrub of a mustard seed which gives a place to call home to all creatures who find their way to it. I love both images as they connect deeply to how I know God. "What does the kingdom of God look like?" is the question that is pondered by Jesus. The picture he then draws us to is that of a tree in which all creatures can find a home and make a home. We all need a home. Somewhere we can go to where we are safe and warm. A place where we know how we are connected together as people and tribes. A place that is protective and welcomes us. It can be large and secure like the Cedar and as scrappy and straggly as the mustard tree - as long as we know it is our home and that we are invited to take our place in it. Come and take your place.

Our worship this weekend Sunday 16th June

10am - Sung Holy Communion - St Marys
10.30am Holy Communion with Hymns - All Saints

The week ahead

Monday 17th June 10.30am - Tiny Tots - All Saints
Tuesday 18th June 10:30am - M4T - St. Marys
Weds 19th June 9:00am - Celtic Morning Prayer  - All Saints                  
Weds 19th June 7.15pm - All Saints PCC
Thursday 20th June 10:00am - Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
Saturday 22nd June 12.00 - 2:00pm - Saturday Lunches - St Mary’s 

Sunday 23rd June
8.00am - Holy Communion – All Saints
10:00am - Sung Holy Communion – St Marys
10.30am - Cafe Church - All Saints

On the mountain height of Israel I will plant it, in order that it may produce boughs and bear fruit, and become a noble cedar. Under it every kind of bird will live; in the shade of its branches will nest winged creatures of every kind. - Ezekiel 22:23

Blessings and prayers

Revd Lizzie