A few words from Peter as he is Priested


“Dear Friends, I say friends as a reflection of the generosity of your welcome and support to me as Curate for which I’m so grateful and humbled. To be part of the rich history of both churches, seeing how the Gospel is being lived out and looking to the future is a privilege and a pleasure. I’m sat reflecting on this in the chapel at Whalley Abbey as I prepare for my ordination as Priest, a place where for centuries people have gathered in worship and prayer, then stepping out into the wider world to tell people about the good news of the Gospel.

Over the centuries this sacred place has seen many changes and challenges yet in the ruins of the Abbey, God’s living presence is felt, a God who is alive, whose son Jesus calls us to be the church. In Peter’s first letter he calls us all to be “living stones”. As followers of Christ we are each called to be the stones on which the church is founded with Jesus as the cornerstone that holds us together.

Now, I really like Peter, he’s got a remarkable gift for getting things right and at the same time a remarkable gift for getting things wrong - but always striving to serve Jesus. I can see a bit of myself in him to be honest though I’ll let you be the judges of the ratio of “getting things right to getting things wrong”!

As I approach ordination as priest perhaps I’m at last “coming home” to that place where I am called to be. What I do know is that serving in our parishes continues to be a great joy and pleasure and I look forward in prayerful anticipation to the years ahead. Yours with love and every blessing, Peter”