The Parish of the Good Shepherd wishes Year 6 pupils well as they move to High School


As our Primary Schools get ready to say farewell to the Year 6 classes, all at the Parish of the Good Shepherd offer our thoughts and prayers as they look forward to a new start at their High Schools. It is a huge step for 11-year olds to take, and as they do so, it is important that they know that they have our love and support in whatever the future holds for them.

On Thursday 4 July, Fr David, in his role as Year 7 Chaplain at St Christopher's School, spent time with Year 6 pupils as they engaged with their taster day. In conversations with them at lunch time, he heard that they had all taken part in three High School classes in the morning, which they spoke of with a great deal of enthusiasm, looking forward to beginning their High School career in earnest in September.

In the afternoon, they spent time in the Hall in worship as a new year group, which was led by Mr Pountain, the Spirituality Coordinator, and Fr David, who spoke of the transition from Primary to High School, and the need to take with them the experiences that have gone before, good and bad, as these are the things that shape us into the person God calls us to be. It is with this in mind, and with the reassurance of the story of St Peter that God calls even those who are flawed to follow him, that they were encouraged to reflect on the call of God on their lives, in order that they might be the very best person they can be, and that they might do great things for God.

This is something that can be said for each Year 6 pupil who moves on to High School, whichever School that might be, and so, wherever it is that they may go, they go with our hope and expectation that with the grace of God, they do so with his love surrounding them and sustaining them in all that they will do.