Worship for w/c 30th June 2024

This Sunday:  Ss Peter and Paul

10.00 am: Joint Parish Mass at St Andrew’s

Worship this week:

Mon: 10.30am Mass at Springhill Care Home

          11.30am Somme Service at the Pal’s Memorial

Tues: 6.00 pm: Mass at St Andrews

Wed: 10.00 am: Mass at St Andrews

           3.30 pm: Youth Church Mass at St Christopher’s

Thur: 9.00 am: School Mass at St Peter’s School

Fri:    10.00 am: Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s

        3.15 pm: Friday Praise at St Nicholas’s School

Next Sunday: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8.00 am: Said Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s

9.30 am: Family Eucharist at St Andrew’s

11.00 am: Solemn Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s

Morning and Evening Prayer are usually said at 8.00 am at St Mary Magdalen’s and 5.00 pm at St Andrew’s Monday to Friday