Worship for w/c 23rd June 2024

This Sunday: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.30 am: Family Eucharist at St Andrew’s

11.00 am: Solemn Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s

Worship this week:

Mon: 11.00 am: Armed Forces Day Service at Oakhill Park

1.15 pm: Class Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s

Tues: 9.00 am: School Mass at St Nicholas’s School

6.00 pm: No Mass

Wed: 10.00 am: Mass at St Andrews

Thur: No Mass

Fri: No Mass

Next Sunday: Ss Peter and Paul

10.00 am: Joint Parish Mass at St Andrew’s

N.b., No other Masses this Sunday!

Morning and Evening Prayer are usually said at 8.00 am at St Mary Magdalen’s and 5.00 pm at St Andrew’s Monday to Friday