Worship for w/c 2nd June 2024

This Sunday: 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.30 am: Family Eucharist at St Andrew’s

11.00 am: Solemn Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s

Worship this week:

Wed: 3.30 pm: Youth Church Mass at St Christopher’s

Thur: 11.00 am: D-Day Commemoration at Oakhill Park

6.00 pm: Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s

Fri: 10.00 am: Mass at St Mary Magdalen's

3.15 pm: Friday Praise Mass at St Nicholas

Next Sunday: 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.30 am: Family Eucharist at St Andrew’s

11.00 am: Family Celebration Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s

3.30 pm: Afternoon Praise and Benediction

at St Mary Magdalen’ (for Family Fun Day)

Morning and Evening Prayer are usually said at 8.00 am at St Mary Magdalen’s and 5.00 pm at St Andrew’s Monday to Friday

Masses: Fr David’s foot is showing improvements. He is still unable to drive, probably until the latter part of this month, but he is getting around more easily without crutches. There will be no 8.00 am masses until 7 July, but we will start to reinstate some of the regular weekday masses, beginning on Thursday this week.