Worship for w/c 26th May 2024

This Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity

9.30 am: Family Eucharist at St Andrew’s

11.00 am: Solemn Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s

Worship this week:

Thursday: Corpus Christi Mass

at St Mary Magdalen’s at 7.00 pm

Next Sunday: 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.30 am: Family Eucharist at St Andrew’s

11.00 am: Solemn Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s

Morning and Evening Prayer are usually said at 8.00 am at St Mary Magdalen’s and 5.00 pm at St Andrew’s Monday to Friday

Masses Cancelled: Fr David has recently broken his foot, and thus is unable to get around as easily as usual as he is unable to drive for the next few weeks. Regular weekday masses and the Sunday 8.00 am mass will therefore be suspended. We will review this situation every two weeks, hoping to get back to normality as soon as possible. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.