At the beginning of March, the previous PCCs of St Andrew's. St Mary Magdalen's and St Peter's were dissolved and a new Parish of the Good Shepherd was formed. We are very excited by this development, and the mission possibilities it offers to us. But one of the first things we need to do as a new parish is to elect a new PCC. Having revised the Electoral Roll, there will be a Special Parochial Church Meeting on Monday 8 April at St Mary Magdalen's Church, following Mass for the Annunciation of the Lord at 7.00 pm. Do come along to have your say in the direction of your parish.
We will be looking to elect four churchwardens (two for each church, St Andrew's and St Mary Magdalen's), two Deanery Synod representatives, and nine lay members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). Please do consider whether you might be willing to serve in any of these roles; if you would like any further information, please do speak to one of the clergy, or a former member of either PCC.
Please do make every effort to come along to the mass and the meeting, as this will also serve as our APCM for 2024, when the Annual Report will be received and discussed. Let us together strive to move the Church forward in this place, and take every opportunity this new chapter in our life together offers.