Remembrance Sunday in Accrington

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Remembrance Sunday offers an opportunity to give thanks for all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the cause of peace in our world. The National commemoration focuses on the service at the Cenotaph in London, where His Majesty the King lays a wreath on behalf of the nation. 

But here in Accrington we have our local commemorations. at St Andrew’s at our Sunday Family Eucharist, we offered the mass with special intention for those who have lost their lives in war, and there was an opportunity to light candles in their memory. Then, whil Fr David led the Civic service at Oak Hill Park, with the parade to the Pals’ memorial in town, Fr Jordan led St Mary Magdalen’s Family Celebration Mass. 

At this mass it was particularly good to welcome members of the Brownies, Beavers and Cubs, as we engaged in our own two minutes’ silence at 11.00 am, and then celebrated mass, including a number of craft activities which all were encouraged to take part in. After the mass, a corned beef hash hot lunch was provided, and we were able to enjoy friendship and fellowship. 

So once again our war dead have been commemorated, and it was particularly good to welcome a good number of young people to St Mary Magdalen’s, where we hope and pray they will take away what they have learnt, and that the lessons of the past might be learnt, and that we might be better equipped to spread Christ’s message of peace to a waiting world.