Worship for w/c 7 May 2023

This Sunday: Fifth Sunday of Easter

8.00 am: Said Mass at St Mary Magdalen's

9.30 am: Family Eucharist at St Andrew's

11.00 am: Sung Mass at St Mary Magdalen's

Worship this week:

Tue: Choir Church Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s School

at 3.30 pm

Sung Mass at St Peter's at 6.00 pm

Wed: Mass at St Andrew’s at 10.00 am

Thur: Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s at 6.00 pm

(Exposition from 5.30 pm)

Fri: Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s at 10.00 am

Next Sunday: Sixth Sunday of Easter

9.30 am: Family Eucharist at St Andrew's

11.00 am: Family Celebration Mass at St Mary Magdalen's

Any items for inclusion in the magazine, please email to Muriel Smith ([email protected]).

On Ascension Day, Thursday 18 May, there will be a Festival Mass at 7.00 pm at St Andrew’s.

Corpus Christi will be celebrated on Thursday 8 June with a Festival Mass at 7.00 pm at St Mary Magdalen’s

Walsingham Pilgrimage: 25-28 August, joining with other parishes across East Lancashire. Total cost is £295, including food and transport. For further details please speak to Fr David or Fr Jordan.


St Andrew’s Notices

Pete Blackburn is our Safeguarding Officer: 07395960319

Friday Praise on 5 May will be celebrating the forthcoming Coronation of HM King Charles III

Coronation Afternoon Tea - Saturday, 13th May, from 2pm.

£7.50 adults, children £2.50. Tickets on sale now.


St Mary Magdalen’s Notices

Natalie Moore is our Safeguarding Officer

The 100 Club numbers are £1 per week. If you are interested, please see Anne, Linda or Fr Jordan.

After the Mass on Sunday 7 May, there will be a party, celebrating the Coronation of HM King Charles III


St Peter’s Notices

The 100 Club is up and running, for further information, please see Peter.

Please see the letter from Fr David regarding the Future at St Peter’s