Mothering Sunday celebrated across the Benefice

Lent Easter Notices Church_news

At masses across the Benefice this morning, we marked the mid-point of Lent, Laetare Sunday (Mothering Sunday) with masses praying for our mothers and for the love they share with us. 

Flowers were distributed and special prayers were said at the 9.30 Family Eucharist at St Andrew's as well as the 11.00 am Mass at St Mary Magdalen's, where we welcomed members of our Choir Church from School, who came along and supported our singing, particularly of the mass setting. It was a joy to see the young people in Church serving God in this way, and we look forward to seeing them on future occasions.

As we look ahead to the final weeks of Lent and Easter, we look forward to opportunities to worship with the wider community both on Palm Sunday (2 April), where we will begin both the 9.30 am and 11.00 am masses with a procession of palms, at St Andrew's beginning in the courtyard behind the Church, and at St Mary Magdalen's beginning in the School; and also on Easter Sunday, when we have the opportunity to renew the promises made at Baptism.

Further details of the programme for Holy Week itself will be published in the coming days. We look forward to welcoming you to join us in our worship.