March '25 Messenger.pdf

Read our latest version of the Parish Magazine, Messenger, with news of all that is happening during March in the Parish of the Good Shepherd

Notices Church_news

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Sunday before Lent)

Lent Easter Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lent Easter Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas)

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
(3rd Sunday of Epiphany)

Confirmation Programme 2025.pdf
Confirmation Letter 2025.pdf

Bishop Philip will come to the Parish of the Good Shepherd to confirm candidates on Sunday 18 May 2025 at 10.00 am at St Andrew's Church

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar
WPCU ACCRINGTON 2025[38].pdf

The Parish of the Good Shepherd will be marking the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity from 18-25 January, with prayer for all local churches and congregations.

Notices From_the_Vicar Community_news

The Epiphany of the Lord

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news Advent christmas
Prayers in Christmastide.pdf

Join us in prayer this Christmastide

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar christmas

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news Advent christmas

Third Sunday of Advent

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news Advent christmas

Second Sunday of Advent

Notices Church_news Community_news Advent christmas

First Sunday of Advent

Church_news Community_news Advent christmas

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Advent Devotional 2024.pdf
Fruitful download FB post.png

Blackburn Diocese has published this year's Advent Devotional Booklet, The Lord Will Come to aid in our preparation for the coming Christmas celebration.

Notices Church_news Advent christmas

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Remembrance Sunday)

Notices Church_news Community_news

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Advent 2024.pdf
Christmas 2024 v3.pdf

The Parish of the Good Shepherd has published its Advent and Christmas programme of services for this year.

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news Advent christmas

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eucharist at St Andrew’s & Harvest Celebration Mass at St Mary Magdalens

On Sunday 6 October, St Andrew's Church celebrated their Harvest Festival.

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Whats on Oct to Dec.pdf

Read about what's on in the Parish of the Good Shepherd this autumn.

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news Advent christmas

The feast of S Michael, S Gabriel and S Raphael

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On August Bank Holiday weekend, members of our parish made pilgrimage to the Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham together with friends from other East Lancashire Parishes.

Church_news From_the_Vicar

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

201st Sunday in Ordinary Time

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

As members of Year 6 in our Primary Schools move to their High Schools, we offer our love and prayers that they will be happy and content as they continue their education.


Fr David has been involved in a number of Memorial Events during June and July in Accrington

Messenger July-Aug 2024.pdf

Get your copy of the latest Messenger for the Parish of the Good Shepherd here

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

This Sunday: Ss Peter and Paul

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9th Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 2024 Messenger.pdf

Get your online copy of the June Messenger here

Notices Church_news Community_news

It was announced this morning that Fr Jordan has been appointed as Rector of Eccleston St Mary and Charnock Richard Christ Church.

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Join us in the Parish of the Good Shepherd for Mass during this third week of Easter

Easter Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

On Monday 8 April, the Special Parochial Church Meeting elected members of the PCC for the new Parish of the Good Shepherd.

Annual Report 2023.pdf

Ahead of the Special Meeting on Monday 8 April, please click on the link to read the Annual Reports of the churches of the Benefice for 2023.

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Fr David offers some reflections from his recent Sabbatical, during which he spent four weeks on retreat in Assisi

Confirmation MMs Easter 2024.pdf

We look forward to welcoming Bishop Philip as he comes to our Parish to baptise and confirm candidates from across both congregations.

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Over the Easter weekend, members of the Parish of the Good Shepherd gathered together for the liturgies of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil.

Easter Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news
Confirmation MMs Easter 2024.pdf

Easter Sunday

APCM 2024.pdf

Following the establishment of the Parish of the Good Shepherd, there will be a Special Parochial Church Meeting on Monday 8 April, following Mass for the Annunciation at 7.00 pm at St Mary Magdalen's Church.

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

Fr David and Fr Jordan joined the annual Stations of the Cross walk at the Coppice on Good Friday, 29 March, when around 250 people bore witness to the sacrifice of Calvary as we reflected on Jesus' Passion and death.

Lent Easter Church_news Community_news
Triduum 2024.pdf

The Parish of the Good Shepherd looks forward to celebrating the Great Easter Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and The Easter Vigil) across both churches in the parish this year.

Lent Easter Church_news

On the evening of Palm Sunday, 24 March, Bishop Philip gathered with clergy from across the diocese to celebrate the Chrism Mass, where priests renewed their Ordination Promises, and the Holy Oils were blessed.


Fourth Sunday of Lent

Lent Easter Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

We are very pleased that the pastoral reorganisation of our Benefice to become one Parish is now complete. As part of the next steps our Electoral Roll has to be revised.

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Second Sunday of Lent

Lent Easter Notices Church_news Community_news

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Today we remembered those who have given their lives for the cause of peace at our masses at both St Andrew’s and St Mary Magdalen’s

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news The_King

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Remembrance Sunday)

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Transfiguration of the Lord


17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity

The 5th Sunday in Easter


Click Read this Story for details of worship across the Benefice this coming week.

Easter Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Click Read this Story for details of worship across the Benefice this Easter Week
Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

Easter Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Holy Week begins on 2 April. Join us as we walk to the Cross and Resurrection with Jesus

Lent Easter Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Holy Week will be marked across the United Benefice with special services to enable us to walk with Jesus as he makes the journey to the Cross and onwards to his Resurrection at Easter.

Lent Easter Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

The United Benefice of Accrington marked Mothering Sunday at services this morning, praying particularly for mothers, and sharing flowers with them.

Lent Easter Notices Church_news