The Parish of All Souls Service Pattern

The Parish of All Souls Monthly Service Pattern.

1st Sunday of the Month
8.30am at Austrey Service of Holy Communion – The quiet one.
10.30am at Newton Regis Family Worship – The lively one.
6.00pm at Warton Holy Communion – The peaceful one.

2nd Sunday of the Month
8.30am at Newton Regis Service of Holy Communion – The quiet one.
10.30am at Warton Family Worship – The lively one.
6.00pm at Seckington Evening Prayer – The peaceful one.

3RD Sunday of the Month
10.30am at Austrey Family Worship – The lively one.
6.00pm at Newton Regis Evening Prayer – The peaceful one.

4th Sunday of the Month
8.30am at Warton Service of Holy Communion – The quiet one.
10.30am at Seckington Family Worship – The lively one.
6.00pm at Shuttington Evening Prayer – The peaceful one.

5th Sunday of the Month – if there is one
10.30am at Shuttington Family Worship – The lively one.