This year the church is required by law to produce a new Electoral Roll. To have your name included you will need to complete an application form, even if you are already on our electoral roll. You can obtain a form by downloading one from this page or from any of our Churches or Church Wardens.The revision will take place between the 14th March 2025 and 20th April 2025. All forms must be returned by the 20th April (Easter Sunday) at the latest, to be included on the New Electoral Roll. They can be given to a Church Warden, being Anne Bufton-McCoy, Claire Holloway, Heather Cooke, and Shirley Faulkner, the Parish Secretary Alison Meredith, Rev'd Joanne or the Electoral Roll Officer, Kathryn Packham. The Roll will then be produced and must be publicly available for 14 days before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting which is Sunday 18th May 10.30 at St Nicholas Church Austrey.Being on the Electoral Roll is an important was to support our Churches and influence the way they operate, therefore you are urged to complete an application form and return it as soon as possible.
Each Christmas Birmingham City Mission distributes gifts to thousands of children whose families really struggle to make ends meet. It is a mammoth task that relies on the generosity of many people who give toys, energy and time to ensure each child referred to us receives a sack of gifts on Christmas morning. Each year the Parish of All Souls collects new toys, books and puzzles for the ToyLink project. Families in need of help are referred by Social Services, shelters, churches and other agencies. Through November and December hundreds of volunteers carefully select and wrap four gifts for each child and put them in a sack with a Christmas story booklet and card ready for delivery. Then more volunteers deliver them.Gifts can be bought along to a church service up until 17th November, or by prior arrangement with Revd. Joanne dropped at 'New Vicarage' Main Rd, Austrey.if you are looking for inspiration BCM have put together some suggestions, you can even go online and pick something of their Amazon wish list gifts start from just £3 and have it delivered direct for free!You can also make a financial donation whish will be used to buy gifts that are needed and haven't been donated. Birmingham City Mission's Christmas ToyLink 2024 | StewardshipPLEASE DO NOT WRAP YOUR GIFT - Donations of wrapping paper also gratefully received.Babies 0-18 monthsHand-held toys, feeding dishes and spoons, building cups, small soft toys (from birth), stacking and teething rings. Toys to shake, touch and feel.Toddlers under 3 yearsStacking rings, wooden jigsaws, small pull-along toys, shape sorters, character plates, dishes, mugs.Boys and girls 4-7 yearsGames, books, cars, trucks, dolls, jewellery etcBoys and girls aged 8-10 yearsGames, hats, gloves, suitable toiletries, books, annuals (dated for the coming year)Teenage boys aged 10-15 yearsFootballs, football pumps, football books (not for a specific team), rucksacks, socks, gloves, hats, games, dartboards (not metal darts), toiletries. No jigsaws please.Teenage girls aged 10-15 yearsToiletry sets, scarves, gloves, hats, socks, bags (suitable for teenagers), make-up, nail polish, jewellery (no earrings for pierced ears), jewellery boxes, games, annuals (dated for the coming year). No jigsaws please.
The Parish of All Souls Monthly Service Pattern.1st Sunday of the Month 8.30am at Austrey Service of Holy Communion – The quiet one. 10.30am at Newton Regis Family Worship – The lively one. 6.00pm at Warton Holy Communion – The peaceful one.2nd Sunday of the Month8.30am at Newton Regis Service of Holy Communion – The quiet one.10.30am at Warton Family Worship – The lively one.6.00pm at Seckington Evening Prayer – The peaceful one.3RD Sunday of the Month 10.30am at Austrey Family Worship – The lively one. 6.00pm at Newton Regis Evening Prayer – The peaceful one.4th Sunday of the Month 8.30am at Warton Service of Holy Communion – The quiet one. 10.30am at Seckington Family Worship – The lively one. 6.00pm at Shuttington Evening Prayer – The peaceful one. 5th Sunday of the Month – if there is one 10.30am at Shuttington Family Worship – The lively one.