News from the Rectory


We have now begun the long season of Trinity. Our altars are draped in green from now until Advent, unless we mark Michael and All Angels at the end of September.

Scholars better than this writer have attempted to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity in a manner which makes sense to us! Fundamentally, as Christians we believe in one God, the Father almighty and we acknowledge Jesus Christ as God’s son – God in human form – who lived among us and taught the people of his time how God, his Father, wanted them and us to behave. Having sent his disciples out to spread his word, Jesus ascended and went back to his Father, but far from abandoning them and us, he sent his Holy Spirit to guide, comfort and support us. 

God is three in one – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Carer, the Teacher and the Support. What more do we need? How lucky are we! Over these twenty two Sundays after Trinity we will learn much through our readings about how God wants us to be and how to make the most of everything we are given. Life can be hard and we can feel very much alone at times, but when we listen to the word of God we can be assured that we have God’s love and support and we will get through all the difficulties we may face. God will never test us beyond what we can cope with, even if we sometimes doubt that. Jesus commanded us to “Love one another as I have loved you.” As long as we do that, we cannot fail. Alleluia!