The Season of Advent
Sunday 1st December sees the beginning of the season of Advent. It is a penitential season, with the altar colour being purple, but not quite in the same league as Lent.
In today’s world, can be difficult to focus on the serious side of Advent when Christmas arrives in the shops and garden centres in September! We tend to observe it more as a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ into the world.
Advent is observed by Christians from many backgrounds and traditions, including Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox Christians. Many people will have Advent Calendars, helping them to count down to Christmas. Some will have Advent wreaths with five candles, one for each of the four Sundays of Advent and one for Christmas Day itself. In our churches we will see three purple candles and a pink one which represent hope, peace, joy and love with a white one for Christmas Day, representing the birth of Christ.
Sometimes the first candle is called the Prophecy Candle, the second the Bethlehem Candle, the third the Shepherds’ Candle and the fourth the Angel’s Candle. However we interpret Advent symbols, let’s hope we all manage to achieve the balance between the frenzy of getting ready for Christmas and remembering the real significance of the season of Advent – getting ready for the birth Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.
Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year