Quantock Good News

A life of faith well lived—



Bridget, a Reader serving in

Quantock Towers Benefice sadly

passed away in May.

Revd Steve Morley writes, ‘When

Angela and I first met Bridget she was working as a

volunteer with Operation Mobilisation, travelling all

over the world taking the gospel message to far flung

places. When she returned to the UK she worked as a

nurse in Musgrove Park Hospital. Then, more recently,

we have been blessed by her dedicated ministry to the

churches of this benefice as a Reader in the Church of


Julie Hall -Williams reflects on the service of

thanksgiving for Bridget. For the full article please see

the Quantock Towers magazine—Pathways.

On Thursday 11 July carrying both sadness and thanks

in our hearts, 143 people attended a service for

Bridget Capewell in St. Georges Church in Bicknoller.

As most know by now, her death was unexpected and

we give thanks for the assurance that she wouldn’t

have suffered. We also give thanks for the great

comfort and assurance that Bridget, with such strong

faith, had no doubts as to where she would ultimately


It was a very special service indeed where humour and

sadness blended but where the most loving, respectful

and kind words captured the person that Bridget was

and what she had meant to so many, not least in her

previous professional nursing life where she had

gained the respect of colleagues and patients alike.

So many people from within the Benefice and beyond

came together to contribute their gifts, and in giving

so much, all united in honouring the life of someone

who is already greatly missed but as the service made

clear, will never be forgotten.

Dear Bridget, may you rest in peace and rise in glory.

Julie Hall-Williams



I just wanted to say a

great, big THANK YOU to

everyone who came to my

Ordination on Sunday

30th June. It was a truly

wonderful day, and I absolutely loved every

minute of it. It meant so much to me, that so

many of you came to support me. I felt so

loved, cherished and held. It was wonderful to

see so many of your smiling faces as I walked

into the Cathedral and as I walked out. It was

lovely to share a picnic together afterwards on

the Green and I absolutely loved the cake! It

was amazing! A big Thankyou Tracey for

making it. It was so much fun to do the

Campfire Church Blessing song and the Hokey

Cokey on the Green! I bet that’s never been

done at an Ordination before!! Thank you so

much for sharing in my special day and making

it so memorable. I love you all. Julie

Our best wishes go with Julie and her family as

she moves on to serve her curacy in the parish

of St Mary's Bridgwater.

Revd Mark


A history group from South Wales visited Goathurst

church to research the Kemeys Tynte family in May.

The families are also part of the history of Goathurst

Church with many monuments

attributed to them. It was a

great day and, in August the

South Wales group will be

hosting members of Goathurst


The 15th and 16th September are the Goathurst

Heritage Open Days with opportunities to visit many

places including Haswell House, the Temple of

Harmony, and the Village Hall. Refreshments are

available in Church. All are welcome.


Good News!

Summer 2024

Stories of faith in action from around Quantock Deanery

A team from the churches in Watchet and Williton

came together with the chaplain and staff at

Danesfield Middle School to lead two days of faith

based activities and learning on the school playing


‘Faith and Festival’ was a new venture dreamed up

by members of the school’s Ethos Group back in the

autumn of

2023, and

which finally

came to

fruition in

the sunshine

at the end of

April 2024.

All four year

groups took part in activity-based sessions that

ranged from a journey through the labyrinth, to

learning a dance routine to the song Makanaka

(‘God is Good’ in Shona). Around a firepit students

discussed the environment with one another and

talked about God’s amazing creation. They learnt

about plastic pollution and explored how they

personally can make a difference. The students also

contributed prayers to a justice wall. Each year

group ended their experience with a dance

competition led by chaplain Patrick Weld and a live


Afterwards students at Danesfield shared what

they'd enjoyed about the day, “What I liked about

the faith festival was walking through the labyrinth

because it was calming and made me reflect on

what I like.”

“I liked the rubbish collecting. We had to run and

collect it and put it in the net.” “The dancing was

a lot of fun

and I liked



Local Vicar

Revd Mark


said, “It was


to see such dedicated and passionate volunteers

from our different denominations coming

together to support the young people of our

CofE school in the Magnificat Benefice of

Watchet and Williton.

“Working together, we were able to deliver a

joyful and fun-filled festival. One which, over the

two days, enabled the students to learn about,

reflect on, and perhaps journey deeper within,

their relationship with God. I think it also

emphasised to the students that the local

Christians within their communities really care

about them. In all it was a hugely worthwhile and

truly blessed event.”

John Williscroft, RE Lead at Danesfield added,

"The festival gave the children an opportunity to

step away from their daily focuses and pressures

and to focus on deeper spiritual questions while

doing so in a fun and engaging atmosphere.

Thanks again to all who supported our efforts!"OVER STOWEY FLOWER FESTIVAL

A photo of "Rock of 3rd Age" playing at Over

Stowey’s Flower Festival on Saturday 30th

June. Amongst the visitors were a group of

Chinese students

who enjoyed a

cream tea and also

got involved with

playing some music after the band had finished.

The Flower Festival held on the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul (to whom

the church is dedicated) was a great success with many visitors admiring the

lovely flower displays and enjoying cream teas on a lovely sunny

afternoon. Over £500 was raised for church funds and all those who visited

had an enjoyable time both in the church and the churchyard.


Steve Atkinson from

Cannington and his

proposed charity cycle

ride was mentioned in

the last edition of

Quantock Good

News. He is now

pleased to report that

he arrived in Margate

from John O’Groats on 22nd June having cycled

900 miles, climbed 38,500 feet of hills and

experienced all weathers including sleet, hail and

strong headwinds. To-date he has raised £1,800

towards air ambulances and the amount raised

as a result of all his charity cycle rides since 2020

is £10,500. He would like to thank you all for

keeping him in your thoughts and prayers.’

Steve comments, ‘The photo above is 10 miles

before the finish, there was a sudden downpour

at the end, The Lord obviously thought I needed

cooling off.’


At the June Deanery Synod is was agreed that

the Deanery Mission Charity for 2025 would be

the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. Steve

along with others, will be visiting Parishes to

promote the charity and encourage fundraising.

This initiative will be launched on Sunday 26th

January 2025.


Hilary tells the group about the latest news from

the Fortress in Kampala, Uganda



From 10am to 3pm

Deanery Music Day

At St Andrew’s Church, Stogursey

A day for all interested in music in our churches —

singing and playing. Please come along and join

in the music and meet some new folk. Light lunch

will be available.

Watch out for the poster and details


Nether Stowey

Church have just

finished hosting an

Alpha course which

has been a great

blessing to us all.

The Alpha course is an 11 week course which

explores Christianity. It very importantly looks at

who Jesus is and why He came and the way that

we ourselves can have a personal relationship

with Jesus, accepting His sacrifice for us on the

cross and living our life for Him and with Him.

We have had 4 guests who have been

encouraged and transformed by the information

received, through the Alpha videos and the group


We have been blessed with a wonderful group of

people providing weekly meals which everyone

thoroughly enjoyed.

Keith Powell kindly led our Holy Spirit day which

was also a great time of learning and prayer.

Over the 11 weeks we have been privileged to

get to know these dear people and witness the

transforming power of Jesus in their lives. It’s so

exciting to be a part of God’s work, in His drawing

people into His Kingdom.

We pray that the good work that God has started

in them, He will continue until the day of Christ


We are hoping to run another Alpha, if anyone

would be interested for themselves or anyone

else please let Eleanor know.

Jennifer Lindner


Following several weeks of rehearsals, the

Deanery Singers gathered again in May at St

Andrew’s Church, Stogursey, for ‘From

Passiontide to Pentecost’ - a service of words

and music based around selected choruses

from Handel’s oratorio, Messiah. Singers came

from across the Deanery, and beyond, with

expert direction from Roger Stacey and

fantastic organ playing from John Bodiley, who

was accompanying the group for the final time.

£450 was raised through a retiring collection, to

be divided between the Dorset and Somerset

Air Ambulance and MIND.


On 6th June in Spaxton Church, Archdeacon

Simon gave the Churchwardens their charge

and admitted them to their office. We thank

Churchwardens for their dedication during the

year’s office.

The Archdeacon also licensed the Quantock

Deanery clergy to their new roles following the

recent pastoral reorganisation which came into

place on 1st June. The new Group Ministry for

the Deanery was also recognised.

With thanks to Alison Cruickshank for the photoA life of faith well lived—



Bridget, a Reader serving in

Quantock Towers Benefice sadly

passed away in May.

Revd Steve Morley writes, ‘When

Angela and I first met Bridget she was working as a

volunteer with Operation Mobilisation, travelling all

over the world taking the gospel message to far flung

places. When she returned to the UK she worked as a

nurse in Musgrove Park Hospital. Then, more recently,

we have been blessed by her dedicated ministry to the

churches of this benefice as a Reader in the Church of


Julie Hall -Williams reflects on the service of

thanksgiving for Bridget. For the full article please see

the Quantock Towers magazine—Pathways.

On Thursday 11 July carrying both sadness and thanks

in our hearts, 143 people attended a service for

Bridget Capewell in St. Georges Church in Bicknoller.

As most know by now, her death was unexpected and

we give thanks for the assurance that she wouldn’t

have suffered. We also give thanks for the great

comfort and assurance that Bridget, with such strong

faith, had no doubts as to where she would ultimately


It was a very special service indeed where humour and

sadness blended but where the most loving, respectful

and kind words captured the person that Bridget was

and what she had meant to so many, not least in her

previous professional nursing life where she had

gained the respect of colleagues and patients alike.

So many people from within the Benefice and beyond

came together to contribute their gifts, and in giving

so much, all united in honouring the life of someone

who is already greatly missed but as the service made

clear, will never be forgotten.

Dear Bridget, may you rest in peace and rise in glory.

Julie Hall-Williams



I just wanted to say a

great, big THANK YOU to

everyone who came to my

Ordination on Sunday

30th June. It was a truly

wonderful day, and I absolutely loved every

minute of it. It meant so much to me, that so

many of you came to support me. I felt so

loved, cherished and held. It was wonderful to

see so many of your smiling faces as I walked

into the Cathedral and as I walked out. It was

lovely to share a picnic together afterwards on

the Green and I absolutely loved the cake! It

was amazing! A big Thankyou Tracey for

making it. It was so much fun to do the

Campfire Church Blessing song and the Hokey

Cokey on the Green! I bet that’s never been

done at an Ordination before!! Thank you so

much for sharing in my special day and making

it so memorable. I love you all. Julie

Our best wishes go with Julie and her family as

she moves on to serve her curacy in the parish

of St Mary's Bridgwater.

Revd Mark


A history group from South Wales visited Goathurst

church to research the Kemeys Tynte family in May.

The families are also part of the history of Goathurst

Church with many monuments

attributed to them. It was a

great day and, in August the

South Wales group will be

hosting members of Goathurst


The 15th and 16th September are the Goathurst

Heritage Open Days with opportunities to visit many

places including Haswell House, the Temple of

Harmony, and the Village Hall. Refreshments are

available in Church. All are welcome.


Good News!

Summer 2024

Stories of faith in action from around Quantock Deanery

A team from the churches in Watchet and Williton

came together with the chaplain and staff at

Danesfield Middle School to lead two days of faith

based activities and learning on the school playing


‘Faith and Festival’ was a new venture dreamed up

by members of the school’s Ethos Group back in the

autumn of

2023, and

which finally

came to

fruition in

the sunshine

at the end of

April 2024.

All four year

groups took part in activity-based sessions that

ranged from a journey through the labyrinth, to

learning a dance routine to the song Makanaka

(‘God is Good’ in Shona). Around a firepit students

discussed the environment with one another and

talked about God’s amazing creation. They learnt

about plastic pollution and explored how they

personally can make a difference. The students also

contributed prayers to a justice wall. Each year

group ended their experience with a dance

competition led by chaplain Patrick Weld and a live


Afterwards students at Danesfield shared what

they'd enjoyed about the day, “What I liked about

the faith festival was walking through the labyrinth

because it was calming and made me reflect on

what I like.”

“I liked the rubbish collecting. We had to run and

collect it and put it in the net.” “The dancing was

a lot of fun

and I liked



Local Vicar

Revd Mark


said, “It was


to see such dedicated and passionate volunteers

from our different denominations coming

together to support the young people of our

CofE school in the Magnificat Benefice of

Watchet and Williton.

“Working together, we were able to deliver a

joyful and fun-filled festival. One which, over the

two days, enabled the students to learn about,

reflect on, and perhaps journey deeper within,

their relationship with God. I think it also

emphasised to the students that the local

Christians within their communities really care

about them. In all it was a hugely worthwhile and

truly blessed event.”

John Williscroft, RE Lead at Danesfield added,

"The festival gave the children an opportunity to

step away from their daily focuses and pressures

and to focus on deeper spiritual questions while

doing so in a fun and engaging atmosphere.

Thanks again to all who supported our efforts!"OVER STOWEY FLOWER FESTIVAL

A photo of "Rock of 3rd Age" playing at Over

Stowey’s Flower Festival on Saturday 30th

June. Amongst the visitors were a group of

Chinese students

who enjoyed a

cream tea and also

got involved with

playing some music after the band had finished.

The Flower Festival held on the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul (to whom

the church is dedicated) was a great success with many visitors admiring the

lovely flower displays and enjoying cream teas on a lovely sunny

afternoon. Over £500 was raised for church funds and all those who visited

had an enjoyable time both in the church and the churchyard.


Steve Atkinson from

Cannington and his

proposed charity cycle

ride was mentioned in

the last edition of

Quantock Good

News. He is now

pleased to report that

he arrived in Margate

from John O’Groats on 22nd June having cycled

900 miles, climbed 38,500 feet of hills and

experienced all weathers including sleet, hail and

strong headwinds. To-date he has raised £1,800

towards air ambulances and the amount raised

as a result of all his charity cycle rides since 2020

is £10,500. He would like to thank you all for

keeping him in your thoughts and prayers.’

Steve comments, ‘The photo above is 10 miles

before the finish, there was a sudden downpour

at the end, The Lord obviously thought I needed

cooling off.’


At the June Deanery Synod is was agreed that

the Deanery Mission Charity for 2025 would be

the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. Steve

along with others, will be visiting Parishes to

promote the charity and encourage fundraising.

This initiative will be launched on Sunday 26th

January 2025.


Hilary tells the group about the latest news from

the Fortress in Kampala, Uganda



From 10am to 3pm

Deanery Music Day

At St Andrew’s Church, Stogursey

A day for all interested in music in our churches —

singing and playing. Please come along and join

in the music and meet some new folk. Light lunch

will be available.

Watch out for the poster and details


Nether Stowey

Church have just

finished hosting an

Alpha course which

has been a great

blessing to us all.

The Alpha course is an 11 week course which

explores Christianity. It very importantly looks at

who Jesus is and why He came and the way that

we ourselves can have a personal relationship

with Jesus, accepting His sacrifice for us on the

cross and living our life for Him and with Him.

We have had 4 guests who have been

encouraged and transformed by the information

received, through the Alpha videos and the group


We have been blessed with a wonderful group of

people providing weekly meals which everyone

thoroughly enjoyed.

Keith Powell kindly led our Holy Spirit day which

was also a great time of learning and prayer.

Over the 11 weeks we have been privileged to

get to know these dear people and witness the

transforming power of Jesus in their lives. It’s so

exciting to be a part of God’s work, in His drawing

people into His Kingdom.

We pray that the good work that God has started

in them, He will continue until the day of Christ


We are hoping to run another Alpha, if anyone

would be interested for themselves or anyone

else please let Eleanor know.

Jennifer Lindner


Following several weeks of rehearsals, the

Deanery Singers gathered again in May at St

Andrew’s Church, Stogursey, for ‘From

Passiontide to Pentecost’ - a service of words

and music based around selected choruses

from Handel’s oratorio, Messiah. Singers came

from across the Deanery, and beyond, with

expert direction from Roger Stacey and

fantastic organ playing from John Bodiley, who

was accompanying the group for the final time.

£450 was raised through a retiring collection, to

be divided between the Dorset and Somerset

Air Ambulance and MIND.


On 6th June in Spaxton Church, Archdeacon

Simon gave the Churchwardens their charge

and admitted them to their office. We thank

Churchwardens for their dedication during the

year’s office.

The Archdeacon also licensed the Quantock

Deanery clergy to their new roles following the

recent pastoral reorganisation which came into

place on 1st June. The new Group Ministry for

the Deanery was also recognised.

With thanks to Alison Cruickshank for the photoA life of faith well lived—



Bridget, a Reader serving in

Quantock Towers Benefice sadly

passed away in May.

Revd Steve Morley writes, ‘When

Angela and I first met Bridget she was working as a

volunteer with Operation Mobilisation, travelling all

over the world taking the gospel message to far flung

places. When she returned to the UK she worked as a

nurse in Musgrove Park Hospital. Then, more recently,

we have been blessed by her dedicated ministry to the

churches of this benefice as a Reader in the Church of


Julie Hall -Williams reflects on the service of

thanksgiving for Bridget. For the full article please see

the Quantock Towers magazine—Pathways.

On Thursday 11 July carrying both sadness and thanks

in our hearts, 143 people attended a service for

Bridget Capewell in St. Georges Church in Bicknoller.

As most know by now, her death was unexpected and

we give thanks for the assurance that she wouldn’t

have suffered. We also give thanks for the great

comfort and assurance that Bridget, with such strong

faith, had no doubts as to where she would ultimately


It was a very special service indeed where humour and

sadness blended but where the most loving, respectful

and kind words captured the person that Bridget was

and what she had meant to so many, not least in her

previous professional nursing life where she had

gained the respect of colleagues and patients alike.

So many people from within the Benefice and beyond

came together to contribute their gifts, and in giving

so much, all united in honouring the life of someone

who is already greatly missed but as the service made

clear, will never be forgotten.

Dear Bridget, may you rest in peace and rise in glory.

Julie Hall-Williams



I just wanted to say a

great, big THANK YOU to

everyone who came to my

Ordination on Sunday

30th June. It was a truly

wonderful day, and I absolutely loved every

minute of it. It meant so much to me, that so

many of you came to support me. I felt so

loved, cherished and held. It was wonderful to

see so many of your smiling faces as I walked

into the Cathedral and as I walked out. It was

lovely to share a picnic together afterwards on

the Green and I absolutely loved the cake! It

was amazing! A big Thankyou Tracey for

making it. It was so much fun to do the

Campfire Church Blessing song and the Hokey

Cokey on the Green! I bet that’s never been

done at an Ordination before!! Thank you so

much for sharing in my special day and making

it so memorable. I love you all. Julie

Our best wishes go with Julie and her family as

she moves on to serve her curacy in the parish

of St Mary's Bridgwater.

Revd Mark


A history group from South Wales visited Goathurst

church to research the Kemeys Tynte family in May.

The families are also part of the history of Goathurst

Church with many monuments

attributed to them. It was a

great day and, in August the

South Wales group will be

hosting members of Goathurst


The 15th and 16th September are the Goathurst

Heritage Open Days with opportunities to visit many

places including Haswell House, the Temple of

Harmony, and the Village Hall. Refreshments are

available in Church. All are welcome.


Good News!

Summer 2024

Stories of faith in action from around Quantock Deanery

A team from the churches in Watchet and Williton

came together with the chaplain and staff at

Danesfield Middle School to lead two days of faith

based activities and learning on the school playing


‘Faith and Festival’ was a new venture dreamed up

by members of the school’s Ethos Group back in the

autumn of

2023, and

which finally

came to

fruition in

the sunshine

at the end of

April 2024.

All four year

groups took part in activity-based sessions that

ranged from a journey through the labyrinth, to

learning a dance routine to the song Makanaka

(‘God is Good’ in Shona). Around a firepit students

discussed the environment with one another and

talked about God’s amazing creation. They learnt

about plastic pollution and explored how they

personally can make a difference. The students also

contributed prayers to a justice wall. Each year

group ended their experience with a dance

competition led by chaplain Patrick Weld and a live


Afterwards students at Danesfield shared what

they'd enjoyed about the day, “What I liked about

the faith festival was walking through the labyrinth

because it was calming and made me reflect on

what I like.”

“I liked the rubbish collecting. We had to run and

collect it and put it in the net.” “The dancing was

a lot of fun

and I liked



Local Vicar

Revd Mark


said, “It was


to see such dedicated and passionate volunteers

from our different denominations coming

together to support the young people of our

CofE school in the Magnificat Benefice of

Watchet and Williton.

“Working together, we were able to deliver a

joyful and fun-filled festival. One which, over the

two days, enabled the students to learn about,

reflect on, and perhaps journey deeper within,

their relationship with God. I think it also

emphasised to the students that the local

Christians within their communities really care

about them. In all it was a hugely worthwhile and

truly blessed event.”

John Williscroft, RE Lead at Danesfield added,

"The festival gave the children an opportunity to

step away from their daily focuses and pressures

and to focus on deeper spiritual questions while

doing so in a fun and engaging atmosphere.

Thanks again to all who supported our efforts!"OVER STOWEY FLOWER FESTIVAL

A photo of "Rock of 3rd Age" playing at Over

Stowey’s Flower Festival on Saturday 30th

June. Amongst the visitors were a group of

Chinese students

who enjoyed a

cream tea and also

got involved with

playing some music after the band had finished.

The Flower Festival held on the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul (to whom

the church is dedicated) was a great success with many visitors admiring the

lovely flower displays and enjoying cream teas on a lovely sunny

afternoon. Over £500 was raised for church funds and all those who visited

had an enjoyable time both in the church and the churchyard.


Steve Atkinson from

Cannington and his

proposed charity cycle

ride was mentioned in

the last edition of

Quantock Good

News. He is now

pleased to report that

he arrived in Margate

from John O’Groats on 22nd June having cycled

900 miles, climbed 38,500 feet of hills and

experienced all weathers including sleet, hail and

strong headwinds. To-date he has raised £1,800

towards air ambulances and the amount raised

as a result of all his charity cycle rides since 2020

is £10,500. He would like to thank you all for

keeping him in your thoughts and prayers.’

Steve comments, ‘The photo above is 10 miles

before the finish, there was a sudden downpour

at the end, The Lord obviously thought I needed

cooling off.’


At the June Deanery Synod is was agreed that

the Deanery Mission Charity for 2025 would be

the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. Steve

along with others, will be visiting Parishes to

promote the charity and encourage fundraising.

This initiative will be launched on Sunday 26th

January 2025.


Hilary tells the group about the latest news from

the Fortress in Kampala, Uganda



From 10am to 3pm

Deanery Music Day

At St Andrew’s Church, Stogursey

A day for all interested in music in our churches —

singing and playing. Please come along and join

in the music and meet some new folk. Light lunch

will be available.

Watch out for the poster and details


Nether Stowey

Church have just

finished hosting an

Alpha course which

has been a great

blessing to us all.

The Alpha course is an 11 week course which

explores Christianity. It very importantly looks at

who Jesus is and why He came and the way that

we ourselves can have a personal relationship

with Jesus, accepting His sacrifice for us on the

cross and living our life for Him and with Him.

We have had 4 guests who have been

encouraged and transformed by the information

received, through the Alpha videos and the group


We have been blessed with a wonderful group of

people providing weekly meals which everyone

thoroughly enjoyed.

Keith Powell kindly led our Holy Spirit day which

was also a great time of learning and prayer.

Over the 11 weeks we have been privileged to

get to know these dear people and witness the

transforming power of Jesus in their lives. It’s so

exciting to be a part of God’s work, in His drawing

people into His Kingdom.

We pray that the good work that God has started

in them, He will continue until the day of Christ


We are hoping to run another Alpha, if anyone

would be interested for themselves or anyone

else please let Eleanor know.

Jennifer Lindner


Following several weeks of rehearsals, the

Deanery Singers gathered again in May at St

Andrew’s Church, Stogursey, for ‘From

Passiontide to Pentecost’ - a service of words

and music based around selected choruses

from Handel’s oratorio, Messiah. Singers came

from across the Deanery, and beyond, with

expert direction from Roger Stacey and

fantastic organ playing from John Bodiley, who

was accompanying the group for the final time.

£450 was raised through a retiring collection, to

be divided between the Dorset and Somerset

Air Ambulance and MIND.


On 6th June in Spaxton Church, Archdeacon

Simon gave the Churchwardens their charge

and admitted them to their office. We thank

Churchwardens for their dedication during the

year’s office.

The Archdeacon also licensed the Quantock

Deanery clergy to their new roles following the

recent pastoral reorganisation which came into

place on 1st June. The new Group Ministry for

the Deanery was also recognised.

With thanks to Alison Cruickshank for the photo