About Us

We are a spirit filled church that exists to preach the good news of Jesus Christ and to serve our community. We are a small rural parish (population of about 2,500), with an active and friendly congregation.

Our United Parish includes 6 church buildings, across an area that starts on the slopes of the Mendip Hills and extends out onto the Somerset Levels. All our 6 churches are small and ancient and take a lot of upkeep. We joined together to make one united Church of England Parish in 1985.

In 2021 we became a Lay Led Parish and in October 2022 our Lay Minister, Mr Gary Orriss, was liscensed to the Parish. Our services follow a 2 month rota and are led either by Gary Orriss; one of our trained Lay Worship Assistants or a visiting Priest.

There are 2 services somewhere in the Parish every Sunday. Please consult 'Services and Events' or the back page of CONTACT Magazine. This is a 2-monthly community magazine, delivered to homes across the Parish and available online.

We welcome families with young children and are happy to cope if youngsters are a bit noisy.

If you would like to come and join us, you can be sure of a warm welcome.