St Mary's, East Chinnock
Welcome to St Mary's, East Chinnock, with its remarkable stained glass windows, donated by a former German prisoner of war, as a a mark of peace and reconciliation.
Everyone is very welcome to join the village community in its church services.
We're part of a group of seven rural anglican churches, called the Coker Ridge Benefice. More details about these churches are available on 'More Information' tab.
St Marys, Hardington
St Marys Church, Hardington, is a member of the Coker Ridge Benefice.
St Marys Church is a community of people from and beyond the Hardington Villages who come together to worship the Lord Jesus and care for one another, with special care for our prominent and brilliant church building overlooking the beautiful countryside around. We value supporting one another especially in the close-knit Hardington Village, but love welcoming new people into our midst. We value our history and peace, loyalty, knowledge, and the natural world. If you are searching for light, for truth, for hope, if you want to be connected with a family of faith, you are welcome.
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.’ ”
John 8
St Roch, Pendomer
St Roch Pendomer is a member of the Coker Ridge Benefice.
The church family of Pendomer has gathered in this peaceful place of worship since 1297. We are a very small parish and normally have a congregation of about 12. Our services are informal and are followed by refreshments. Please join us - a warm welcome awaits you.
All Saints, Closworth
All Saints Closworth is a member of the Coker Ridge Benefice.
Rooted in the peaceful hamlet of Closworth, the people of All Saints care deeply for our historic building including our bells and historic Somerset style tower.
If you ever want to come in and enjoy the beauty of peace in this space you are welcome and keyholder contact details are in the porch and usually close by.
Here is a place to come and find patience, to value creation, to know God's precious peace in this place.
‘Be still, and know that I am God!
I am exalted among the nations,
I am exalted in the earth.’
The Lord of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our refuge.
Psalm 46
St Michael & All Angels, East Coker
St Michael's is a beautiful parish church in the equally beautiful Somerset village of East Coker. We are a member of the Coker Ridge Benefice.
Our mantra is faith, community, heritage. We want to live, tell and share the story of Jesus; enrich the fantastic community that is our village; and honour and preserve the heritage entrusted to us.
Amongst other distinctions, St Michael's is the final resting place of the poet T S Eliot.
We are open all day, everyday. Whether you visit to join a service of worship, to visit the resting place of T S Eliot, or for some moments of quiet reflection or private prayer, you are very welcome.
St Martin of Tours, West Coker
St Martins West Coker is a member of the Coker Ridge Benefice.
St Martin of Tours Church, West Coker, is a family of worshippers interweaved into the West Coker community and beyond. We value our church building like a spiritual home, and as we worship the God who has been so kind and committed to us, we are committed to bringing his kindness to the wider world.
If you are seeking fruitfulness, if you need kindness, if you want a home - then you are welcome to join with us as we worship the Lord.
Most of St Martin’s Church building, as you see it today is from the Victorian rebuild in 1862/1864, but one or two areas date from the 14th or 15th century, The Lady Chapel, which occupies the north east corner and the stair turret for the tower. This tower also contains 2 very rare lancet windows glazed with horn.
St Martin’s is open for visitors or private prayer every day.How lovely is your dwelling place,
O Lord of hosts!My soul longs, indeed it faints
for the courts of the Lord;
my heart and my flesh sing for joy
to the living God….…Happy are those who live in your house,
ever singing your praise. SelahPsalm 84
All Saints, Sutton Bingham
All Saints, Sutton Bingham is a member of the Coker Ridge Benefice.
Sutton Bingham Parish Church is a community of Christians drawn to the beauty and tradition of Worshipping God with the Book of Common Prayer in the midst of our precious Norman Church building. We offer a retreat from the rush and confusion of this world with the stability and stillness of historic worship, valuing God's glory and stewarding the good things he has given us. If you are seeking a renewal of strength, if you are looking for something of real value, if you want to be connected to so much more than the normal, you are welcome.
‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Matthew 13