Abbas & Templecombe, Horsington and Henstridge

Benefice Vision

To encounter Jesus daily to be Christlike in our community

Romans 12:1-2

I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

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What's on

Benefice Church Services for September 2024 (Note: times vary)

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Baptist, Horsington
Duck Lane Horsington, BA8 0EG, United Kingdom
St Mary's (The Blessed Virgin Mary), Abbas & Templecombe
Church Hill (A357) Templecombe, BA8 0HQ, United Kingdom
St Nicholas, Henstridge
Church Street Henstridge, BA8 0QE, United Kingdom

01 Sept 09.00am Holy Communion
08 Sept 10.30am Morning Worship
15 Sept 09.00am Said Traditional Holy Communion
22 Sept 10.30am Joint Benefice Holy Communion
29 Sept 10.30am Joint Benefice Holy Communion AT HENSTRIDGE

01 Sept:-
09.30am Bubble Church (at Village Hall)
10.30am Holy Communion with Baptism
09.30am Bubble Church (at Village Hall)
10.30am Morning Worship
15 Sept:-
09.30am Bubble Church (at Village Hall)
10.30am Morning Worship
22 Sept:-
09.30am Bubble Church (at Village Hall)
09.30am Joint Benefice Morning Worship AT HORSINGTON
29 Sept:-
09.30am Bubble church (Village Hall)
10:30am Joint Benefice Holy Communion AT HENSTRIDGE

01 Sept:-
10.30am Morning Worship
6.00pm Compline
08 Sept 10.30am Holy Communion
15 Sept 10.30am Morning Worship
22 Sept 10.30am Joint Benefice Morning Worship AT HORSINGTON
29 Sept:-
10.30am Joint Benefice Holy Communion with Baptism
06.00pm Words & Music

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