St Peter's, Peterstow

St Peter's Church is a thriving and active village church, that works in countless ways to serve and support the people of Peterstow. The church itself is dual use and serves also as the village hall following a very imaginative and skilful adaptation of its traditional building. Besides its weekly worship and church-related activities, St Peter's plays host to a number of community groups, the regular coffee mornings, and some support groups, as well as community events.
The church/hall is suitable to host other events such as regular classes for exercise or education, relevant to our community.  Do get in touch if you are able to offer a regular activity in Peterstow.   

To make a booking to use the church as St Peter’s Hall (community space) please contact:

Peter Gratton on 07811516827 or 01989 567429

[email protected]

Get in touch

Rev Sheila Anthony, Rural Dean

What's on


Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter's, Peterstow
what3words: ///void.trousers.worlds A49 Peterstow Ross-on-Wye, HR9 6LF, United Kingdom

3.30pm Second Sunday of every month for about and hour

Church services in our Benefice