Orton-on-the-Hill: St Edith of Polesworth

For services across the benefice, please see 'Services and events'.

For general enquiries please contact the Benefice Administrator on [email protected]

Get in touch

Revd Julia Hargreaves, Priest in Charge


Priset in Charge
01827 881389
What's on

Coffee and chat

Monthly. Every First, Third Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Orton-on-the-Hill: St Edith of Polesworth
The Green Orton on the Hill Atherstone, CV9 3NG, United Kingdom

First and third Thursdays in the month we have Coffee & Chat from 10.30 - 12 noon.
This is a free, friendly, casual event and we welcome anyone who would like to pop in and catch up on the local news.