Little Walden: St John

We are a small but very friendly congregation that spans all age groups with a warmth for our community and for all who visit us.
Our services are informal, and we provide children’s activities at the back of the Church during our services and refreshments afterwards, all are welcome to stay and chat.

We are committed to safeguarding children and young people and vulnerable adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding. For more information and for details of our Parish Safeguarding Representatives, please see the safeguarding page of our website

We are involved in a number of community events including: A series of summer walks around the local area, Harvest Festival celebrations, Christmas Candle, Nativity and Carol services.

St John's Church, Little Walden, was built in 1894 by Edmund Birch Gibson, a prominent Quaker. The Church was originally built to serve the Quaker estate workers but in 1910 it was donated to the Church of England to mark his golden wedding anniversary to his wife Mary.

Get in touch

Rev'd Michael Lovegrove

c/o Parish Office
Church Path
Saffron Walden

CB10 1JP

Our website

What's on

Mothering Sunday Family Service

for 1 hour
Little Walden: St John
Little Walden Saffron Walden, CB10 1XA, United Kingdom

A family service to celebrate and say thank you for our mothers