We are a friendly and vibrant village church. You are very welcome to join us at any of our services.
On the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month:
10am Holy Communion service with Sunday School for primary aged children.
On the second Sunday of the month:
All-age Holy Communion where all ages worship together. There may be a drama, an interactive presentation rather than a sermon, percussion instruments for all who want to accompany our singing and colouring pictures.
On the fourth Sunday of the month:
8.30am Holy Communion. A service with a sermon but without hymns, using the traditional language Common Worship service.
10am with food served from 9.45am Cafe Church. A friendly, relaxed and informal time where we worship, learn about our faith, talk to each other and there maybe a simple activity that we can all join in. For all ages.
Wednesdays, 9am: Celtic Prayer in the Church Room
Thursdays, 7pm: Telephone Service
If you would like to join us for this worship service, please contact Chris Stanisstreet: 01925 755559