St Peter & St Paul Great Casterton

We're looking forward to giving you a warm welcome at our regular services, our coffee morning and fund raising events. We have lots of services for all the family.  Check the events and services page for dates, times and information.  If you're not sure what to expect, please don't hesitate to contact Rev Don.

Please check our "What's On" page for dates to add to your diary.

If you'd like to hire our hall, please get in touch with Steve Cunningham 01572 51004three

Get in touch

Revd Don McGarrigle

48 Main Street, Greetham, Oakham Rutland

LE15 7NL
Revd. Don McGarrigle
(01572) 811343

Our website

What's on

Street Pastors ... what do they do?

for 1 hour
The Well, Barn Hill Methodist Church
The Well, Barn Hill Methodist Church

Ever wondered..?
..what do the Stamford Street Pastors do?

This is your invitation to come and find out!

We would like to welcome you at:

* The Well, Barn Hill Methodist Church

* on Saturday 29th March 2025

* from 7.30pm

Come to meet the team and some light refreshments. For a full experience we will then walk our patrol route.

For more information contact:
Ruth at [email protected]

Fund raising events have been varied. Monthly Saturday lunchtime music , Summer Fete and raffles. See Events for more information.


If you have queries or problems concerning children or vulnerable adults, there are Safeguarding Policy notices on all the church notice boards in the Benefice.
Our Benefice Safeguarding Officer is Marjorie Needham, email [email protected], tel. 01780 52698. You can contact her on any problem or concern you may have about a child or vulnerable adult for a confidential chat and advice about it. She can then consult with the Diocesan Safeguarding team for further advice and support if necessary.
You can also talk with Rev. Don about any concerns.
Carole Fitzsimons, the Diocesan Safeguarding leads the team and general enquiries can be made by emailing [email protected]
Confidentiality will be respected
Safeguarding is every one’s business – UK govt. June 2020.

St Peter & St Paul Great Casterton Charity No. 1063046