Camberwell, St Michael & All Angels

Camberwell St Michael's is a parish church serving the area of SE5 between Camberwell Road, Camberwell New Road and John Ruskin Street. We welcome all who come to pray and work with us. We are strengthened by God's word in the Bible and the sacrament of communion. Join us as we hear the word and taste God's mercy and healing.

We work with others. We especially care for children and young people. We have a close relationship with Ark All Saints Academy and support these young people and their teachers each day of the school year. We work in partnership with Parent Action MumSpace in supporting new mothers and their children. We are partners with English for Action who help newcomers to London be more fluent in English. We are a safe space for community life. For more details about our commitment to safeguarding, please read the Safeguarding page.

Our Parish is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme. This means you can set up a regular Direct Debit gift and make sure that we can collect the Gift Aid from the Government.  Home - Parish Giving Scheme 

Give to Camberwell St Michael

Support our prayer and community

Get in touch

Rev Jonathan Roberts

Camberwell St Michael and All Angels Church
Wyndham Road

Rev Jonathan Roberts
07530 003368
What's on

Thanks offering

Every day at for 9 mins
Camberwell, St Michael & All Angels
Wyndham Road Camberwell, SE5 0UB, United Kingdom

Give thanks with a grateful heart.
Direct payments from your bank to the church account are helpful and a blessing. God loves a cheerful giver.
Our details are:
• Camberwell St Michael & All Angels PCC
• Sort Code 50 10 29
• Account number 20116349
By all means add a reference using your name and envelope number

Jesus is God's way of getting closer to us so that God can help us better.

From_the_Vicar Community_news christmas